Impact Stories from READY Skills Trainers

Skills Trainer, NATASHA

Skills Trainer, NATASHA

Q & A Why do you want to be a skills trainer? “I am a people person and like working with everybody. I just like helping…you see a need and you fill a need.” What are you looking forward to? “The end result and each individual I’m working with seeing them achieve...

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Skills Trainer, PAM

Skills Trainer, PAM

Q & A Why do you want to be a skills trainer? “I want to help and serve in an area that can appreciate it. It really speaks to my heart.” What experience do you have? “I did a lot of substitute teaching in Special education, any my next door neighbor had...

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Skills Trainer, SAM

Skills Trainer, SAM

Q & A Why do you want to be a skills trainer? - “It’s already up my alley with supporting my daughter. I have a passion for social work. I want to be and advocate for those with disabilities. It’s a community I’m already in and love.” What are you looking forward...

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Be part of making AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN with the READY Program

# of Student Internships

# of WorkSites Participating

# of Work Hours

# of Rides Provided

Benefits of Having a Skills Trainer

  • You have a trusted person on the job with you
  • You have someone to help breakdown tasks
  • You have someone to easily ask questions
  • You have someone to help provide needed accommodations
  • You have someone looking out for you and your needs
  • You are supported and given space for independence
  • You are treated as capable

Graduation Slideshow Video by Jennifer Brown

Stories from READY Participants

Chris F. – Wynne Ford

"The people are actually nice here. The manager gives me a fist bump every time he comes out!" What got you interested in cars? "I've always liked cars and started riding 4 wheelers at four years old." What's your favorite thing about working here? "I get to drive brand new cars, and work on...

Jasmine J. – Peake Childcare Center

“I love working at Peake. All the kids like me! It took me one day for the kids in the Wiggly Worms to like me, and a day for the children in the other two classrooms I work in to like me. Now they all love me, and I love them! I enjoy reading to them, playing games, and talking to them! Community...

Kadriana S. – Scratch Bakery

I like working at Scratch Bakery, and everyone has been nice. They showed me how to ice cupcakes on my first day! I enjoy baking everything from cupcakes to cakes and learning new things! I like taking customer orders and speaking with customers! Scratch Bakery has helped me think about what I...