Impact Stories from READY Skills Trainers
Skills Trainer, NATASHA
Q & A Why do you want to be a skills trainer? “I am a people person and like working with everybody. I just like helping…you see a need and you fill a need.” What are you looking forward to? “The end result and each individual I’m working with seeing them achieve...
Skills Trainer, PAM
Q & A Why do you want to be a skills trainer? “I want to help and serve in an area that can appreciate it. It really speaks to my heart.” What experience do you have? “I did a lot of substitute teaching in Special education, any my next door neighbor had...
Skills Trainer, SAM
Q & A Why do you want to be a skills trainer? - “It’s already up my alley with supporting my daughter. I have a passion for social work. I want to be and advocate for those with disabilities. It’s a community I’m already in and love.” What are you looking forward...
Be part of making AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN with the READY Program
# of Student Internships
# of WorkSites Participating
# of Work Hours
# of Rides Provided
Benefits of having a Skills Trainer
You have a person on the job with you
You have someone to help breakdown tasks, and to easily ask questions
You have someone to help provide any needed accommodations
You have someone looking out for you and your needs
You are supported as needed, and given space to be independent
You are treated as capable
Graduation Slideshow Video by Jennifer Brown