Currently accepting Work Site Applications!

Are you interested in participating in READY as a Work Site Partner? We'd love working together on the Virginia Peninsula!

Current Employer Partners

Be part of making AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN with the READY Program

# of Student Internships

# of WorkSites Participating

# of Work Hours

# of Rides Provided

Benefits of Partnering with READY

By becoming a READY work site, you help support and include students with disabilities.
Tap into this highly-motivated workforce to boost your productivity!

  • Customized to your employment needs with our site developer
  • Workers (student and Skills Trainer) are paid by Community Knights and covered under our liability and workman’s comp insurance
  • Skills Trainers on hand for entirety of internship, every day, to ensure work is completed to standards
  • Disability training provided for work site
  • Barriers to engagement solved with CK-provided transportation & technology

Work Site’s Reflections

Beret Deweese – Wynne Ford/Skills Trainer

“Being able to help Chris learn the job here at Wynne, see his potential, see his growth, and help him fulfill his dream has been a fantastic opportunity! The program and working with Chris are something that Wynne has never done! He gets along with everyone and talks to the other service technicians, and they have been willing to help him as well. “

Adam Newland - Bluebird Gap Farm

“Overall the READY program is an amazing opportunity for any leader/manager to increase the cohesiveness and morale of their team while also increasing the general productivity during the program while having extra workers. Any team will be helped by partnering with this program.”