Currently accepting Work Site Applications!
Are you interested in participating in READY as a Work Site Partner? We'd love working together on the Virginia Peninsula! WORK SITES APPLY HERECurrent Employer Partners

Be part of making AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN with the READY Program
# of Student Internships
# of WorkSites Participating
# of Work Hours
# of Rides Provided
Benefits of Partnering with READY
By becoming a READY work site, you help support and include students with disabilities.
Tap into this highly-motivated workforce to boost your productivity!
- Customized to your employment needs with our site developer
- Workers (student and Skills Trainer) are paid by Community Knights and covered under our liability and workman’s comp insurance
- Skills Trainers on hand for entirety of internship, every day, to ensure work is completed to standards
- Disability training provided for work site
- Barriers to engagement solved with CK-provided transportation & technology