In a world where some children are born with disabilities that prevent them from experiencing certain parts of life, Dreamcatchers was born. This organization is located in Toano, VA on the Cori Sikich Therapeutic Riding Center, where disabled individuals are immersed...
In a world ruled by good people, all children would have the same educational opportunities and resources they needed regardless of socio-economic status. At Community Knights, we share that message with our partnership with the Downtown Hampton Roads Child...
Sometimes people need a helping hand, and THRIVE Peninsula has been successfully extending their arms to the Hampton Roads area for over forty years! Their organization provides an array of educational and economic assistance to members of the community who are in...
In Elementary school, we learn how to read, spell, write in cursive (which my younger friends have told me is not a thing anymore), etc. But at Yorktown Elementary, you also get the opportunity to learn how to track hurricanes! Ms. Kathy Lennartz leads the way in her...
Recently, our President and Trailblazer Jennifer Brown got the opportunity to volunteer her time at the Moton Early Childhood Center in Hampton. There, she read the book “Beachy and Me” by Bob Staake to multiple classes of early elementary schoolers. This...