When people hear the word investment, they usually associate it with financial resources, however we can also invest our time. Community Knights has increased financial and time investments in public school and non-profit organizations in the community though our GIFT program. GIFT engages members of the community at the grassroots level through direct hands on efforts that fund grants to public school and non-profit organizations. This provides a system through which funds awarded can be used to invest and support the community. GIFT groups are encouraged to invest in one another through collaborative support, and the sharing of knowledge to one another.
Adults with disabilities are included and invested in through the COACH Program. COACH provides site coaching supports for individuals who have intellectual and developmental disabilities who want to give back to their community through volunteering. The volunteer participant and their coach pour their time investments into local nonprofits.
Who Are We Investing In?
Virginia Peninsula Community
School Age & Young Adults
Adults with Disabilities
How are we investing?
A key component of the GIFT program is increasing community engagement both within the fundraising arm, and throughout all GIFT participating organizations. This program granted over $1.64 million to non-profit and school organizations on the Virginia Peninsula since its inception.
Through our GIFT program we want to see an increase in resources coming into your community. Grants are awarded to GIFT participants because of the positive impact to citizens of the Virginia Peninsula, collaboration with other non-profit and public school organizations, and participation within Community Knights. The local organizations we work with are tasked to be fiscally responsible by providing documentation of how GIFT grants will be spent.
Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities are invested into with support and accommodations to access the community. In turn, they invest their time back into local nonprofits to support their ongoing missions.
How Can You Support Community Investment?
Become a Community Impact Partner! Donating to CK on a monthly recurring basis helps to invest in the Peninsula. With recurring donations CK is able to take your investment and support nonprofits, public schools, and adults with disabilities. Having reliable donations is necessary to supplement the weekly bingo fundraiser, and continue growing inclusive community programming.
Volunteerism is at the core of Community Knights investment into the community. The Bingo games that support The GIFT Program and COACH Program are solely run by volunteer efforts. These games need on average 40-60 volunteers per week to be successful. With the COACH Program volunteers are needed weekly to coach alongside participants and to assist in running social activities. Become a Volunteer Impact Partner to turn your time into impact by committing to volunteer on a recurring basis.