We are giving back to those groups that exemplify what Community Knights is all about. Five of our GIFT Program members were selected to participate based on their collaboration with other organizations in the community, spirit of volunteerism, community participation and impact, display of Community Knights Mission, involvement with our committee meetings, and the needs of the organization at this time. We are asking the Virginia Peninsula Community to Vote!!
All 5 organizations will receive a grant: first place is $3,000, second place is $2,500, third place is $2,000, forth place is $1,500 and fifth place is $1,000. The 5 organizations are Elf Patrol, Hampton – Newport News Kappa Alumni Chapter, Live Love Paint, The Newsome Bailey Project, and Youth Volunteer Corps of HR.
Votes are tabulated from November 30th to December 5th by the form below AND Facebook by counting likes and comments for each organization. Announcement of the grand awards will be December 7th!
GIFT Contest Voting Form
Please only one vote per person for one organization.
Sorry. This form is no longer available.