Megan is a young woman with an infectious smile and big, bubbly personality. She loves everyone she meets and ensures their day is always bright. Megan has been a part of the COACH community for quite some time, however, was a virtual participant. Through the connections built in COACH, not only is Megan now out in the community, she has taken leadership roles while volunteering. One of Megan’s favorite volunteering opportunities is with Serve the City delivering food in Berkley Village. The residents in Berkeley Village wait for Megan and they love her greeting of “Foodbank delivery at your service,” while curtsying and tipping her hat. She brightens everyone’s morning as she is proud to be the one lifting the boxes and bringing them into their homes.
Megan has also grown into a leadership role at Hampton Baptist Church’s S.A.M.E. Mobile Food Pantry. She begins her day by assisting with the bagging of groceries, then commands her position as the first contact every neighbor sees. Megan loves being the one at the beginning of the line who calls out to others, how many orders a neighbor is receiving. She then proudly lifts her boxes and loads them, making sure to call out the number once again so the others down the line do not get confused. She has made friends with everyone at the pantry, and has her own football talking buddies that wait for her arrival every month.