Welcome to our Community Exchange where you can learn about our GIFT Program participants. The organizations we serve are working hard to help the Peninsula and here you can find their contact information and needs they may have. Some groups may even be able to loan out equipment or space to other groups! Get inspired and help out where you can with supplies or with your time by volunteering for a project. Check out the event section for upcoming activities in the community.
Hampton Mayors Book Club
The Mayor’s Book Club promotes early literacy and strives to increase the likelihood that children grow up in an environment where books are available, and literacy is valued. By providing quality books to children to build their home libraries and furnishing books to build classroom and school libraries the Mayor’s Book Club meets literacy deficiencies. An added benefit to the children and parents is access to the monthly interactive newsletter featuring learning activities.
Contact Information
Reach out to this organizationusing the information below.
CKExchange Details
Below are the items Hampton Mayors Book Club needs or has available to give.
Organization Needs:
Items available to give by donation or can borrowed
No items available to donate or borrow at this time.