Use of Grant Funds Change Request Form Use this form to request a changes to Grant Funds already distributed to your organization. Organization and Preparer InformationOrganization Name* Preparer's Name* First Last Preparer's Phone*Preparer's Email* Use of Funds Change DetailsChoose the Year of the Grant Cycle you wish to change the use of grant funds.*202120202019201820172016Select the Grant Cycle for this funds usage change.*Spring Grant CycleSummer Grant CycleFall Grant CycleSelect the Grant Cycle for this funds usage change.*1st Quarter Grant Cycle2nd Quarter Grant Cycle3rd Quarter Grant Cycle4th Quarter Grant CycleOriginal Grant Funds Request Description.*This can be pulled from your original grant request on the dashboard area.Describe the change in use of grant funds.*Reason(s) for making the requesting the change.*Upload the new itemized for the change in grant funds.* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, Max. file size: 4 MB, Max. files: 2. HiddenApproved?Not Reviewed YetYes, JenniferYes, TeresaYes, ChrisYes, BoardNo, see notes